The Principles of Design - a set of rules that helps artist organize shapes, lines, colors or whatever they are working with.
Balance - is when the visual "weight" of an artwork feels equally distributed. the types of balance are...
Symmetry - if you draw a line down the middle of a picture its the same on the left as it is on the right.
Approximately Symmetrical - almost the same on both the left and the right side of the picture but there is some small differences.
Asymmetry - the opposite of symmetry.
Radial - where ever you draw a straight line through a picture its the same on both sides of the line, no matter where you draw the line.
Emphasis - 3 main ways artists create emphasis are, placement, contrast and grouping. artist think about where they place lines, shapes and color so they know where they are directing your attention when you look at the painting. when an artist decides to put a bunch of objects around the object they want you to have your attention on, they group things around it.
Rhythm & Movement - is a how the artist guides the viewer though the work of art. the leading ways to create rhythm and movement are...
Repetition- way to use it to lead people through a painting are, same elements, alternating elements and progression (the element is repeated but changing)
Leading Lines- where there is one or more lines that connect is some way in the painting and it leads you through the painting the way the artist wants you to.
Implied Movement- lets the artist make you believe that the piece of art is moving or was moving, that there was some kind of movement going on.
Optical Movement- it tricks you eye into thinking that the art is moving even though it is not
Actual Movement- literal movement, art that really moves.
Proportion - is size relationships of the parts of the work of art or the whole thing, when you think about proportion in your work you think about it for how it will look but also to create a story. ways to do this are colors, shapes and forms.
Unity - a felling that everything in the pictures works together. that if something was taken out the picture wouldn't be complete.
Variety - differences, adding something to make the picture more interesting, less boring.