Monday, January 25, 2010

I am a friend, an artist and simply myself.

I think i met most or all of the standards on the on the original sheet and i tried to use the principles of design.
People who dont know me would see many words that seem to not relate and hands holding some sort of heart like item in the center and raised above the rest of the art.
i think that some of the strengths of my piece is the drawing of the hands and how i emphasized them by raising them above the rest of the piece. I also left some of the grey clay in the plaster cast of the heart and that seemed to give it a big of a more aged looked, which i though looked good. all the words that surrounds the hands show a little part of me and part of my story and it sort of has a bit of leading lines effect because they all surround the hand in a circle and kind of force your eyes to look there.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

artist-in-residence: Alexander Demaria

I really like this piece of his work because you can clearly see that they are buffalos but they are not drawn in the typical way that you would assume people would draw buffalo. I also really like the colors that he has chosen to use. They go very nicely with each other and it gives them kind of a dream like feeling. He said that his recent work is dealing with mythology and i can see how this gives off the idea of mythology and the idea of mythes and dreams sort of. It fits into the rest of his work because all of the pieces are drawn in that kind of style and with the same colors or black but they all look nice together and seem like they should be presented together.
What made you want to start a collection around mythology?
When was it that you discovered your style of artwork?
Where did you learn your technique?

Monday, January 4, 2010

reflecting on self-portrait project

i shared my general idea for my project which was to show my culture represented as the heart in my drawing of a hands and have that inside something was supposed to represent (some what) my mind. they didn't really react much because most of my project isn't put together and so it was more me explaining to them then anything else. since i can't find the drawing of my hands that i have been working on for pretty much all the past classes if i have to redraw that it will probably take 3 or 4 classes. then i still have to make the mold of the heart with mr. brooks and i'm not quite sure how many classes that would take. also lastly i have to write the words into the thought bubble but i can't really accurately size it until i finish the hands and heart.