My goal of using the dark and the light in my picture was to emphasize the woman and have sort of a positive glow coming down on her. This idea was inspired by my aunt who introduced me to art and showed me how much i really loved it. She passed away kind of recently and i guess in a way this is her. I'm not really sure if she is supposed to be the woman sitting or if she is the light, but i know that this drawing is of her and what she means to me. I used the pencils to darken out the corners of the drawing that had nothing going on in them and used the eraser to take out darkness from the cloud and the light that is coming out of it. I also used to pencil to make a dark shadow coming from the woman to further show that the light is shining down on her. I discovered that working with pencil is much more difficult then i would have thought, it gets a lot messier then you would think. Its also very difficult to get the shading from very dark to very light to be coherent and look right. I realized that i don't particularly like working with only pencils and erasers but i don't particularly dislike it either.
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